Heller Ibérica Machine Tools, S.L. - Lathing centres

Index G400

Lathing centres and milling: with performance of milling singular

Picture of Lathing centres and milling
The centres of vertical turning satisfy all the exigencias to produce in series pieces of subjection in shape economic and flexible. This husillo mobile motorised positioned in shape vertical commissions of the functions “manipulate” and “work”. By means of short distances of trip and high speeds of fast course reduce considerably the times improductivos.

The centre of turning and milling G400 with performance of milling singular has the following technical characteristics:

Husillo main and contrahusillo with 90 and 102 mm

Are possible until three tool holders (X,Z,And,B), unit multifunción and husillo portafresas motorised

Length of turning 1250 and 2000 mm