Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Fiber optic cable testers and meters


Kits Of comprobación and inspection of fibre

Picture of Kits Of comprobación and inspection of fibre
The kits of comprobación and inspection of fibre speed up the work of the users thanks to the options of inspection, cleaning and comprobación all in one

The kits offer new options to installers and directors of responsible network of the comprobación, repair and maintenance of an increasing number of links of fibre.

The three kits offer visual inspection of the extremes of fibre using the FiberInspector Mini, a microscope of 200 increases that allows to range quickly the probe of inspection with the ports of fibre or the connectors of latiguillos to increase considerably the speed and the efficiency of the inspection. FiberInspector Mini Also contributes a greater hygiene for the user, since the camera of video avoids the harmful exhibition to the light laser that transmits by the fibre, showing the extreme of fibre in a screen. FiberInspector Mini Works with extremes of fibre monomodo and multimodo, ports and latiguillos.