Roxtec Sistemas Pasamuros, S.L. - Other pipes fittings

Roxtec Sleev-it

Insights for plastic pipe seals: for marine applications

Picture of Insights for plastic pipe seals
Seals and collars of sealed Roxtec Sleev-it for plastic pipes, are light weight, versatile solutions that provide a barrier certified fire for marine applications from simple mounting They avoid the penetration of fire, gas and water, and ensure the fire protection of plastic pipes connected to metal piping systems without pressurizing.

Mounting fast Roxtec Sleev-it seals are simple, but very resilient performance design. Simply attach a label to one side of the bridge or bulkhead. The need for minimum welding and insulation to reduce costs and the time required at each penetration of the pipe of plastic, both new projects and renovations.

Features:-sturdy and lightweight - design easy installation from a single side - excellent ability in renewal operations - minimum tasks in hot on board - is not required non standard additional insulation.