Caima ingeniería medioambiental - Enviromental engineering and consulting services

Environingingmental catering: control of erosion, stabilisation of taludes and fluvial systems

Picture of Environingingmental catering
Caima Has like aim offer an integral package of services, that covers from the realisation of studies, projects and skilled quality consultancy in environingingmental gestión, until the set up of corrector measures in the modality key in hand.

His lines of performance are: control of erosion, stabilisation of taludes and fluvial systems.

Control of erosion: application of technicians of bioingeniería using like material base vegetable to avoid the desprendimiento and drag of fine particles, tied to geological factors, geomorphological, antrópicos, hídricos or wind, allowing accelerate the ecological catering in areas severely degraded and the restitution paisajística of the work.

Stabilisation of taludes: application of technicians combined of bioingeniería with others, allowing ensure a mass of earth against failure or movement by means of the application of an inert structure that complement on a long-term basis the action of the vegetation, when by himself alone was unable to ensure the conditions of hygiene demanded.

Fluvial systems: application of any one of the previous technicians in fluvial surroundings and humid zones, like rivers and brooks in the tanks and reliefs created by them.