Hunter Industries Incorporated - Irrigation programmers

Hunter I-Core

Drivers of water: sprinkler timer

Picture of Drivers of water
The I-Core is the Hunter controller for demanding high-end residential and commercial applications. Loaded with innovative features, such as the status of the monitoring of the flow of art, a vision system quick access, smartport ® factory, six languages, and a screen installed in bold, backlit, the I-Core should be considered for most of the high-end irrigation projects. A big reason for the I-Core is so unique is its versatility. Plastic box version can be extended from 6 to 30 stations, and metal box model can handle up to 42. Addition of a two-wire dual module, can even extend the capacity of the station to 48. Stainless steel pedestal models are also available, offering a wide range of options from the enclosure. With other additional options such as a ROAM or ICR to distance or Solar-Sync-centered conservation, the I-Core possibilities are virtually unlimited.

Number of stations: 6 to 42 (48 stations with decoders doubles) type: modular.

Box: outdoors.

Independent programs: 4. for program start times: 8 (A, B, C), 16 (D).

Max. station run time: 12 hours.

The warranty period: 5 years.