Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Multimeters (frequency, resistance, power meters …)

Fluke 87 V

Digital multimeter: for industrial surroundings complexes

Picture of Digital multimeter
The digital multimeter 87 V of Fluke guarantees the maximum productivity and a minimum risk in the industrial surroundings of greater complexity. The model 87 V form splits of the series 80 V of multimeters, a highly attained range that it composes of the instruments Fluke 83 V, Fluke 87 V and Fluke 87V/And (kit combined for technicians electricians in the industry).

The main characteristic of this series are the precision, functionality, solidez and ease of use.

Fluke 87 V incorporates an unprecedented function to obtain precise readings in equipment "with noise", providing precision in variators of complex speed and contributes solutions to the problems of measure ocasionados by the adjustable speed drives. These units adjust the speed of the motors of alternating current by means of the modulation of the width of pulse, what generates a very noisy signal "" or "entrecortada", by what the conventional digital multimeters could indicate an upper tension to the really supplied to the engine. Besides, the measures could not coinciding with the controls of the engine, what would give place to errors in the values obtained for the frequency. The result would be that the technician could not identify if the root of the problem locates in the controls, the unit or the engine.

The digital multimeter 87 V of Fluke solves all these problems with so only presionar a button. The series 87 V blocks the high frequencies generated by the motors making possible the obtaining of precise and stable measures: tension of CA, frequency (to calculate the rpm of the engine) and current CA (with the pinza amperimétrica accesoria).

Besides, they have thermometer incorporated since the heat can ocasionar a failure in the system or be indicativo of the existence of an underlying problem. The probe thermocouple incorporated connects to the clavijas mV of the multimeter.