G.i.k.c, S.A. - Comdiflex - Waterjet cutting equipment


Cutting by chorro of water: integral service

Picture of Cutting by chorro of water
Although it seem incredible, a so natural element and simple as it is the water constitutes the tool of cutting more effective of the last times. We speak of the technology of cut by chorro of water to pressesure, a really revolutionary system able to cut until the hardest material, attaining a level of pressesure and a quality of difficult finishing to equalise with other systems of cutting.

The base in which sustenta so innovative system, although it is very simple, results tremendously effective. It treats of an orifice of 1 mm of diameter by which the water happens to a thrice upper speed to the one of the sound, reaching a level of pressesure of 4.000 bar. In this way, something so inofensivo as it is the water attains to turn into the energetic strength more powerful to cut the widest variety of pieces and the most diverse materials.

A system of cutting really only that now can hire in Kempchen. Offering him a service of maximum professionalism that will allow him see resolved all his needs of cut with maximum guarantee of results and with a really advantageous cost.