Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Air particles counters

Fluke 985

Contador of particles: to supervise the quality of air in interiors

Picture of Contador of particles
A resistant counter and of high precision that measures the particles in suspension to solve problems and supervise the quality of the air in inner (IAQ). The device is perfect for the professionals of maintenance of installations, systems of air conditioning and quality of the air to the hour to supervise clean rooms, check filters of air conditioning, and realise investigations and studies of quality of the inner air in buildings.

Characteristics of the counter of particles:

Six channels of sizes of particles, with a rank of 0,3 µm – 10 µm to guarantee the precision in the measurements

Design light, resistant and ergonomic for a simple use with an alone hand

Storage of until 10.000 registers in the own device, to access to the historical of data with all ease

Ten hours of autonomy of the battery in a normal use, equivalent to a working time

The counter of particles has a big screen QVGC to colour of 3,5 pulg. With retroiluminación and intuitive icons, to facilitate the visualisation and navigation to the maximum. It has you adjust configurables for the screen, the methods of sample and the alarms of size of sample. The data can consult of a way tabulate traditional or like chart of tendency, and can export to a memory USB or to a PC by means of a wire USB or Ethernet.

It fulfils with the standard ISO 21501, JIS B9921 and CE.

The device includes base of load and connection USB and communications Ethernet, wire USB, wire ENET CAT5And, wire USB-To to MINI-B, source of feeding of 12 Vcc, filter of entrance of zero accounts, adapter of filter, protective cap of entrance of sample, rigid case, manual of introduction and manual of user in CD