Aguambiente, S.L. - Design and building services for waste management plants


Construction of sewage treatment plant: they offer a complete service covering from initial designs to the firm establishment and construction of the sewage treatment plant

Picture of Construction of sewage treatment plant
In Aguambiente take care of the design and the implementation of the civil work needed to carry out the project of the wastewater

They want to offer a complete service covering from initial designs to the firm implementation and construction of treatment plant for this reason, they have an exclusive Department for the development of this work.

Having its own civil works Department allows them to have more direct control over the deadlines for execution of the work, in order to make all subsequent to the civil engineering works on time and date. Thus facilitating compliance with the schedule of work set prior to the start of the project.

In the development of civil engineering, professionals work with mandatory security measures, complying at all times with the regulations in force. The safety of workers is a priority objective for Aguambiente.