Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Network cable testers

Fluke FN062

Comprobador Of wire: with fast test in an alone button

Picture of Comprobador Of wire

Fluke Announces the availability of the comprobador of wire VDV MicroMappe Pro with a function of test “Quick Check” in an alone button, that reduces the time of installation and the number of “second proofs” when simplifying the use of this tool and help to diminish the number of errors.

The function “Quick Check” executes a test ‘full wiremap' for the cableado of braided pair that shows the type of failure (‘miscables', ‘investments', ‘open pairs' and ‘cortocircuitados'), as well as the distance to said error. This contributes to reduce the time of the proof and accelerates the location and resolution of problems when the failure has been detected.

Thanks to the ease of use and interpretation of “Quick Check”, each unit MicroMapper Pro can be employed by a greater rank of professionals that other comprobadores similar.

MicroMapper Pro Also deletes the need of adapters to the testar cables of braided and coaxial pair (F), saving time with transitions faster between the proofs of cableado of voice, data and video, and excluding the expenses associated to the replacement of stray adapters.

The comprobador includes a generator of analog tones that allows to locate and isolate pairs of cableado during the installation and avoids the presence of a generator of additional tones in the kit of tools of the installer.