JKE Robotics, S.L. - Collision avoidance systems for robots

QuickStop QS - 3000

Collision avoidance sensors: possibility to set the collision detector

Picture of Collision avoidance sensors
The QuickStop is an adjustable collision detector (dynamically) through a pneumatic system. Individually controlled air-feeding assures air pressure variable keeps the QuickStop sensor in rigid position during normal operation. At the time of the impact, the opening of the air Chamber creates a pressure drop detected by a sensor which immediately sends a stop signal to the system controller.

Thanks to this device, the expensive tools and robots are protected, downtime in production lines are less long, and the high cost of repairs are greatly reduced.

Adjustable trigger point (dynamically). The possibility of programming the collision detector, ensures the protection of the system in all the operating speed, simply by the QuickStop supply pressure vary. The trigger point can thus be adapted to the different conditions of operation of the robot or the application