ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Miscellaneous trucks

Series 2000, 2001 y 2006.

Carts Of lateral load: for the manipulation of products of big length and voluminosidad

Picture of Carts Of lateral load
Ulma Carts Elevadoras Commercialises the series 2000, 2001 and 2006, of Hubtex, composed by several models of carts of lateral load. It treats of robust and handy equipment for the manipulation of loads of big length of until 16 metres and bulky (until 3 metres). These electric forklift trucks of lateral load multidireccional explain a chassis of two pieces, two wheels of steering and four wheels of load, that ensure his stability. With an useful width of between 600 and 3.000 mm, these series incorporate a system of braked electronic exento of maintenance, a system of control of power and a brake regenerativo that save until a 10 percent of power, and some especially resistant topmasts and stable even when the centre of load is high. As it affirms the company, these equipment result "extremely handy and soft thanks to the steering of four electronic wheels". Besides, all the hydraulics functions, like the preselector steeringal, "are controlled by a modern joystick", manufactured by Hubtex.

The company offers big variety of cabins (in transversal, in diagonal, in longitudinal...) For his adaptation to the carretilla, depending on the characteristics of the corridor where will realise the task.

The series have a capacity of basic load of between 2.000 and 10.000 kg, depending of the model.