ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Engine powered forklift trucks (diesel, gas, ...)

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Grendía Es

Carts Elevador diesel: with capacities of load from among 1.500 kg and 3.500 kg

Picture of Carts Elevador diesel
The series Grendía IS of carts elevador diesel of Mitsubishi offers the perfect balance between a big durability, softness, power and low broadcasts of gas and noise. Ideals for the most demanding applications, the carts elevador Grendía IS, of compact design, are robust and solid and guarantee an exceptional performance at the same time that minimise the costs of maintenance. With models with capacity of load comprised between 1.500 and 3.500 kg and a height of elevation of 3 to 7 m, Ulma recommends the series Grendía of carretilla elevador diesel or LPG like the best option when it looks for versatility, solidity, resistance and durability. With his advanced train of power entirely floating, the series Grendía IS incorporates of series the control of speed advanced, that limits the speed at the same time that keeps the maximum power in ramps. Total bet by the hygiene with the series Grendía IS that it integrates the system of hygiene, system of presence integrated , that avoids all movement of the carretilla and of his topmast if the operario abandons the seat, in addition to having a light of warning for the belt and an alarm for the brake of parking. Besides it incorporates also of series lights LED to see and be seen.