ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Miscellaneous trucks

Carts Elevador: they stand out by the incorporation of the 3 motors of alternating current in all his range

Picture of Carts Elevador

Ulma Carts Elevador presents big novelties of storage by means of the renewal of the range Hubtex.

The renewed range offers multiple advantages to which use these models. This series stands out by the incorporation of the 3 motors (engine of traction, engine of steering, hydraulics engine) of alternating current that allow a greater control of traction, less components and lower cost of maintenance. Besides, all the models offer the possibility to have wheels of vulkollan PU, from 1.500 kg of capacity of load until 10.000 kg and of 1.500 to 7.000 kg in wheels súper elastic THE.

Another of the novelties of the range is the incorporation of motors of foot that allow a better position for the engine by what avoids the dirt and improves the control. Of this form the engine is more protected avoiding risks of strike and needing a lower maintenance.

Finally also it is necessary to stand out the incorporation of the technology Can-Bus.

This does that the carts elevador have fewer elements and at the same time a lower maintenance and like lower consequence cost of maintenance.

The range Hubtex adapts to sectors so diverse like the one of the industry of the wood, the aluminium, the metal or the plastic, sectors very specific that need carts special elevador as they are the Hubtex. Thus it is indispensable the constant renewal, creating new models like 2132 PU.

By means of these novelties of product, in addition to the service of technical assistance and personalised advice, Ulma pretends to give to his customers an integral solution of storage and maintenance, offering a near and accessible service by means of his network of distribution that covers all the Spanish geography.