G.i.k.c, S.A. - Comdiflex - Flat seals

Kempchen Linea pipin

Boards of estanqueidad of graphite: under content in chlorides and sulphides

Picture of Boards of estanqueidad of graphite
The flat boards To1 of graphite "Rivatherm" constitute a good alternative to substitute the typical boards of cardboard of amianto, working properly in the cases in which the boards of free compressesed cardboard of amianto begin to fail by excessive temperature. The family of products "Rivatherm" consists of:

-Rivatherm: Ironingings of pure graphite expanded.

Rivatherm-Super: Ironingings of graphite Rivatherm with reinforcement of fine metallic plates interns of stainless steel, smooth or drilled.

Properties of the material "Rivatherm" :

- Free of amianto.

- Without Ferrite.

- Low content in chlorides and sulphides.

- High chemical resistance.

- Extraordinary resistance to the temperature: - 200 °C until + 550 °C

- Big compressesibility (until the 50 %)

- Excellent stability to the pressesure according to DIN 52913 (Until 45 N/mm2)

- Excellent estanqueidad (Minor that 0,2 ml/min)

- Good dimensional stability

- Easy setting and desmontaje