JKE Robotics, S.L. - Robotic tool changers

Sigma 8.1

Automatic changes: for payloads up to 800 kg

Picture of Automatic changes
Within the family of automatic changes, the model Sigma 8.1 is the higher load capacity. Specially designed for installation in those high load robots, automatic change Sigma 8.1 is intended for payloads up to 800 kg.

Sigma 8.1 automatic change stands out for its modularity, since it has 6 sides where to position simply different modules for different utilities required by the user (electrical signals, pneumatics, cooling, power, etc.).

It is worth noting that change Sigma 8.1 auxiliary modules are interchangeable with the Sigma 3.1 change modules.

Applications: - handling large loads - claws of geometry - welding clamp (pneumatic and electric).