Gardena - Hoses and irrigation systems accessories


Aqualímetro: ideal to control the consumption and save water

Picture of Aqualímetro
The quantity of water that use to irrigate is, in a lot of cases, excessive. The water is a very scarce, and results indispensable his rational use, and a good control of the consumption.

The garden is a big demandador of water, but fortunately exist numerous solutions to reduce the consumption, without that leave to attend his needs.

An essential factor to save water in the garden is the method of irrigation. It is important to remember that the water that has to supply to the plants has to be only the strictly necessary to cover his needs. Thus it is necessary to establish properly the frequencies, time and dose of irrigation, as well as avoid the excessive irrigations.

To give solution to this problem, Gardena presents an innovation inside his Original Gardena System: the Aqualímetro. This device measures the consumption of water, to irrigate according to the need of the plants, controlling like this the utilisation of water in the garden.

Simply pressesing a button, can select any one of his four functions: consumption of water by day, by season, by cycle of irrigation, and the discharge in the moment (litres/minute).

Absolutely reliable in his use, with system of instantaneous measurement, robust and to proof of hits and very easy to use: an alone button controls all the functions. It is besides compatible with all the accessories OGS Gardena (connectors, aspersores, terminals of irrigation, pumps, etc)

A product that helps to keep the respect by the environingingment, to the time that repercute in a considerable saving for the economy.