Fluke Ibérica, S.L. - Network testers and meters

Fluke OptiView Serie III

Analyser of portable networks: help to implement projects and detect incidences

Picture of Analyser of portable networks
Fluke Networks Manufactures the analyser of portable integrated cheese cheese networks OptiView, that offers visibility of all the company for the management of the changes in the infrastructure, the implantation of new applications and technologies, the resolution of incidences in the performance of the applications and the networks and the hygiene of the network in front of the internal threats.

The OptiView Series III has designed to help to the administrators and technicians of networks to implement the computer projects that have in course as well as to realise an analysis of the origin of the incidences to be able to solve them. The result translates in lower computer costs, in a reduction of the risk in the implementation of new services of network and infrastructure, in an increase in the hygiene of the data and in the fulfillment of the rules, and in an improvement of the satisfaction of the users of the company.