Ibapol, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Ibapol, S.L.
Burgos, 10
39200 Reinosa (Cantabria) Spain
☎:  +34‑942754870  
w:  www.ibapol.com

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Ibapol, S.L.

IBAPOL S.L. produces and commercializes valves and apparatus for water systems, under the brand name "Polanco valves".
It is the year 1991, although the work of its experts in the branch of hydraulics was developed since many years ago, so our experience in this branch is recognized and endorsed by many companies and organizations both private and public.
We have technical Office for consulting projects.
registered in the mercantile registry of Santander, volume 408, folio 187, sheet 441, inscription 1 St, CIF: b - 39267547