Grupo Cartés - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Grupo Cartés
Islandia, 18 - Centro de Transportes de Coslada
28821 Coslada (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑916707210  
Global specialist in leak. Automotive sector, transport, public work, agriculture, industry, minería and marine.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Grupo Cartés

With 40 years of experience and more than 5.000 national customers and international, Filters Cartés distributes a wide range of filters and personalised solutions, for all type of applications.
This company finds present in all the sectors of activity in which they require systems of leak, because of the high specialisation in product, and loans service to the markets of the automotive sector, transport, public work, agriculture, industry, minería and marine.
Quality and availability constitute the basic pillars to arrive to this position, as well as the skilled departments in each area, being able to offer the most hit council, the concrete solution and the product or system more adapted for any need.
The combination between the supply of all the first marks, together with high stocks, does that Filters Cartés provide to his customers a total guarantee of supply with:
- 8.000 m2 of storage
- 700.000 filters in stock
- 12.000 references in stock
- More than 5 million crosses of references
- More than 80 marks