Berkomat, S.L.U. - Otras juntas

GMN Paul Müller CF60 - CF619

Together laberínticas: for husillos

Picture of Together laberínticas
The profile designed creates an effective barrier against salpicaduras of liquids and of dust with a series of radial gaps and horizontals. When the axis is turning, the transport realizar through centrifuges strengths, for finally provide some results of 100% of efficiency of sealed - even when the axis is not turning.

The performance has been tested in the bank of proofs, the space of sealed is rociado from a short distance, with an emulsion of oil in water, under a pressesure of 6 bar, without detecting any type of escapes.

The boards are done of steel of nitruración, temperate, by what the board could be planted directly in contact with the husillo. The threads for husillos 'precarga can apply directly on the inner ring of the board. Besides the width of the boards fixed to 6 mm, for all the measures. These specific advantages allow an extremely compact design. The profit is a maximum distance of the threads for husillos and a better performance of the husillo.

All the measures and tolerances of the boards are similar to the ones of the threads for which are designed.

The setting and adjust of the board is very easy: the inner ring and outside of the boards presionan together against the cojinete. With this process both rings are ranged axially in the half position, without any internal contact. The axial game allows a movement of 0,5 mm in each steering - the collected axial total is of 1 mm.