Portes Bisbal, S.L. - Ángel Mir - PorBisa - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Portes Bisbal, S.L. - Ángel Mir - PorBisa
Barri Bordeta, s/n
17116 Cruïlles, Monells i Sant Sadurní de L'Heura (Girona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑972640620  
🖷:  +34‑972642451
w:  www.angelmir.com
Specialist in industrial and residential doors.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Portes Bisbal, S.L. - Ángel Mir - PorBisa

Porbisa – Ángel Mir is the greater Spanish company of manufacture and setting of industrial and residential doors. We are oriented to the business excellence, the quality, the service postventa, and to keep the recognition like company of manufacture of doors that gives the best product and service to his customers.

Ángel Mir has more than 155 professionals in Spain, and has an international coverage through distributors situated in several countries of the world. We have more than 42 years of experience in manufacture and setting of doors, points of load and other products oriented to all the economic sectors so much private, like publics, so much business like industrial.

Our investment continued in investigation and technological development to keep a differentiation, quality and leadership inside our sector is one of our keys of success.

We have a strong and solid human team through the cual do that our customers benefit directly of our products and quality of personalised service and adapted totally to his needs. In Ángel Mir, each door is only and designed to satisfy the peculiarities of our customers. Of this way, the quality of our products and services guarantee an integral attention adapted to the needs of our customers.

We help to our customers to complement his installations of practical form and with the guarantee of a service postventa fast and flexible.