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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El mundo del análisis de datos para la logística tiene una cita en la Universidad de Deusto

The world of the analysis of data for the logistics has an appointment in the University of Deusto


19 March 2014

Directors of companies and analysts of data have gathered to debate on the importance of the control of the information in the organisations. Under the lemma 'Big Date Revolution' and directed by Jaime Looks, technical director of the Icil, several companies have tackled several practical cases where have showed, how through tools of Minería of Data and Business Intelligence, solve complex problems from a visual and intuitive point of view.

LIS-Solutions Skilled engineering in the analysis of data of the chain of supply, has presented an example of how, through trees of decision and tools of Business Intelligence, has detected the break of the chain of frio in a logistical operator and of his impact in the company, as well as of the reasons of this loss of frio.

Deustotech Institute of Investigation, expert in the analysis of data and computational intelligence, has developed a case of success on a company of the sector siderúrgico in which they have realizar a predictive analysis on the probability of fails of pieces in some productive surroundings.

Finally, the company Funtsak devoted to the visual management of the information, has tackled the importance of the cognitive analysis of the information and of how interprets east the same and has showed of practical form how influences the form in the content.

This day freamers inside the program of approach of the technologies of the analysis of data to the companies, that LIS-Solutions will carry out in Bilbao, Madrid and Barcelona of the hand of the Icil.

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