B & R Industrial Automation Ibérica, S.L.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
B & R Industrial Automation Ibérica, S.L.U.
Camí de Can Camps, 17-19. Vallsolana Garden Business Park. Edificio Kibo.
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑935689965  
🖷:  +34‑935689973
w:  www.br-automation.com/es-es/
Industrial automation

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

B & R Industrial Automation Ibérica, S.L.U.

Perfection in Automation

Manufacturer and provider of integrated solutions of automation: automatons with architecture PC, screens, modules of And/S decentralised, motion (servomotors and servocontroladores), CNC, industrial computers, systems of hygiene (PLC and And/S).

Software of development, simulation, put in macha, maintenance for systems of automation. Courses of learning.

Ours Philosophy

An international company founded in a vision.

The pioneering spirit of the founders of B&R Erwin Bernecker and Josef Rainer, together with the vision to attain something exceptional in the industry of the automation, follow influencing day in day out in the strategies of our company. It was precisely this conviction the one who guided to the establishment of ours first international office in 1983. The decisive spirit emprendedor, together with a remarkable vision of future, allowed to B&R turn into an international company during the last chamber of the past century. The excellent intuition that shows to the development of new markets and tendencies, combined with the ambition to offer solutions with a high technological level in profit of our customers, have done that B&R was an indisputable leader in the industry regarding innovation and technology refers.

B&R Will continue growing in the next years expanding even more his position of leadership in the international market.

Perfection in Automation

Perfection in Automation – This is the signal of identity that has defined our business by more than 26 years. This no only means to cater with the most innovative technology of all time to all the world, but also find the best solutions in base to a continuous work in team with our customers. Achieve an industry automated complete and uniform is the approach of all our efforts.

For us, "Perfection in Automation" means to take care this narrow collaboration established from a principle with our customers, partners, employees and providers, always based in a mutual confidence and the highest degree of knowledges.

From prototypes until production in series, each component is manufacturado in Eggelsberg, Austria with the highest level of quality. This is only possible thanks to that have systems totally automated of proof and inspection and the methods of production more modern with technology of avant-garde. Before going out, each component is subjected to a thorough and rigorous inspection so much of the circuit as of his functionality. These inspections are based in the more standard heights of quality including proofs that easily exceed these requests.


Complete solutions in automation from an only source

By means of the creativity in the development, we mark the tendencies instead of copying solutions already existent: from the only tool of development Automation Studio, the integration of the visualisation and the control by means of a Power Signpost, the And/S compact and fast X20 and X67, until the dynamic and flexible family of the servosystems ACOPOS. Products like the industrial PC, the protocol of real time already settled in the market ETHERNET Powerlink or the system modulate of control of processes APROL, satisfy the needs of the customers to have a solution of integrated automation from an only provider. In addition to the integrated standard components, also develop specific solutions of any type. Innovations that mark the guideline to be followed.


Solutions for all the industries

Companies in the sectors of packed, plastics and rubber, printing and paper, textile, industry automotriz, feeding, foods and drunk, semiconductors, wood, metal and mining, pharmaceutical, chemical and control of processes trust the capacity o

Ours integrated solutions allow to our customers obtain important competitive advantages in the distinct industrial states.

This extensive dedication in the distinct technological areas of the automation of machines and control of processes is our starting point to be a partner safe and reliable.

Offer to our customers an integrated automation from an only provider: without intermediaries and contributing a maximum flexibility and profitability.

Global Presence

Always to his side around the world

Our highly qualified personnel provides suporte to our customers in more than 50 countries of all the world. This covers from the design of the project and development of the application, until the courses of learning. In this way the customers can have anytime of a service of high quality.

Local warehouses and the global coordination guarantee a fast internal management of the logistics. This allows to our customers have the complete spectrum of our products to his scope, and at the same time, reduce his own needs of storage and cost.