SSI Schaefer Sistemas Internacional, S.L. - Intelligent warehouses

Schäfer LogiMat

Vertical cupboard: for picking and storage

Picture of Vertical cupboard
Vertical cupboard LogiMat is the ideal solution to store of compact form small pieces and can prepare them of ergonomic form achieving reductions of space and high speed of picking.

It offers an advantageous solution in these companies where manipulate a big number of references of small volume and low rotation.

Between the main advantages of the LogiMat is the improvement of the derivative efficiency of the automation of some processes. They achieve , for example, improvements of performance around 20% thanks to the increase of the speed of picking, minimising the errors of picking thanks to the processes controlled by computer.

On the other hand, it achieves an important reduction of logistical and operative costs associated; some of the most remarkable are the reduction of the times of trip of the operario in more than 70% or the reduction of the energetic costs thanks to his compact and ergonomic construction.

Besides the vertical cabinets have a modular structure and diverse options available to adapt to the individual situation of each customer. Like example exists the option LogiLift, that regulates the height of the window of access so that it adjust to the operario; or the only device of inclination LogiTilt, that bends the tray of collected automatically to forward facilitating the work of the operario.