SSI Schaefer Sistemas Internacional, S.L. - Storage accesories


System of storage and autonomous transport: it works without batteries and via remote control

Picture of System of storage and autonomous transport
The system Orbiter combines storage and transport to base of trucks satellites and stations of positioning and load. Between his main innovations stands out the technology Power Cap that facilitates his utilisation in warehouses for frozen products. The system Orbiter suppresseses the need of batteries, optimising the costs of operation for the customer. Besides, it characterises by his autonomy, since it receives the orders by means of a simple remote control handled by the driver of any carretilla conventional of the market. Through said control activate the functions to execute of storage or collected of the palé in the corresponding channel, that the Orbiter realises automatically, while it updates the control of inventory. In definite, an alone operario can handle several Orbiters by remote control. Through the handle and simultaneous use of several trucks satellite, and because of the high speed of the system, the movement of commodities realises in time reduced from a lower number of carts and operarios, what redunda in additional savings of gestión of the warehouse.