Talleres Agrícolas Fuertes, S.L. - Soil preparation

Talleres Fuertes

Surcadores estancadores Of water: apt for crops of beetroot, corn, sunflower, potatoes and tobacco

Picture of Surcadores estancadores Of water
The surcador estancador of water is a team of very easy handle. For his operation do not require tractor trucks very big, only depends of the number of bodies of work. Besides, it is possible to regulate the distance between grooves of seed and neither precise maintenance since all the bodies are encasquillados.

The operation produces through the leading arm. The surcador works the deep of the groove, with what leaves the loose terrain so that the rear arm do the movements of rise and descent through eccentric joined up in an axis manipulated with a hydraulics engine, with which regulate the distances of preys for the paralizaciones of water.

By in front of the chassis, this surcador has two wheels to control the depth and the slope of the slopes of the terrain. It can besides cancel the rear arms with the end of sulfatar or seal the streets after the estancaciones.

Likewise, it can him join up the dosificador of credit chemical, like this would do three distinct works in a past. It treats of an apt machine for the crops of beetroot, corn, sunflower, potatoes and tobacco.