SSI Schaefer Sistemas Internacional, S.L. - Warehouse management, stock control and logistics software

Schäfer Wamas

Logistical software: for the integrated cheese cheese and continuous control of manual systems and automated

Picture of Logistical software
Wamas Is conceived to represent to perfection all the requests of the logistics and optimise them. Besides, it offers a wide range of functionalities and possibilities of flexible adaptation. The package Wamas is the ideal solution for the specific control and the optimisation of all the processes in the warehouse; the administration and management of existences of commodities stored; the follow-up of all the flows of commodities from the provider until the final customer, the integrated cheese cheese and continuous control of manual systems and automated; and the analysis and evaluations for the adoption of measures of optimisation to half and long term.

Wamas Presents a modular configuration. Therefore, the logistical application possesses a clear and logical structure. This allows to use, between the complete range of provision offered, those modules that are notable for the requests of the customer. Likewise, it is possible to adapt the form in that they use the different modules, as well as his functional scope to the individual needs.