STX Radial Ambient, S.L. - Intercambiadores de calor

Pozzi Leopolde RCR

Recuperador Of heat: from water

Picture of Recuperador Of heat
The RCR is an exchanger of heat no conventional designed especially to recover power from residual contaminated waters.

The RCR can heat freshwater and cool waste water at the same time, reducing like this the consumption of power and fulfilling the legal requirements for the temperature of the poured. His operation, based in an axis giratorio and interchangeable, facilitates the autolimpieza of the unit.

The RCR uses in several industries, such like finishing and textile care, dyeing, leather, paper and feeding.

The RCR is an independent unit that occupies a minimum space, usually situated at the end of the line of processes and does not interfere in the process same. Promoted by the gravity, the RCR does not need of pumps except in determinate situations where the current is intermittent and therefore, recommends a tank of expansion.