STX Radial Ambient, S.L. - Termoformadoras y envasadoras de blister


Machines for the learning of blísteres: they offer a wide range of containers type blíster

Picture of Machines for the learning of blísteres
Koch Manufactures machines for diverse solutions for the packaging, with a wide range of containers type blíster for materials of consumption and industrial, so much for the sector of the cosmetic, hygiene and personal care as for the pharmaceutical sector and medical technology.

The rank of machinery that Koch offers to the market, include different options of blísteres, for example blísteres that they combine the plastic termoformado with cardboard or well blísteres with the two faces of plastic.

It treats of machines with modular design, the basic model allows the learning, filled and sealed. From this design can expand with different additional components, such like feeders, baling machines to end of line, printers and labelling machines, etc.