Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Equipos de filtración de agua


Filters for the treatment of waters: filters of full cone, of hollow cone, of flat exit, etc

Picture of Filters for the treatment of waters
In the plants of waste treatment water and of treatment of slimes use different types of filters, depending on the consistency of the slimes and of the foam formed in the surface of the water and of the liquids of the process.

Generally they use the filters of full cone that can powder like foams to give a bit of oxygen to the water, even could do serve also filters of hollow cone and in the perimeter of the tanks, flat go# out filters.

Organic agents add often for the suitable treatment of the water.

Also in the area of treatment of organic waste allocated to produce credit for the use of fertilizantes in the agriculture, use the traditional filters of full cone or in espiral, for like this keep the suitable humidity of the product that has to be constantly worked and keep in "rotation" under the pulverización.

For all these applications, the filters used are almost always fed by a network of water that is protected by the filters autolimpiantes of Eurospray whose degree of leak is to his time studied and decided by the customers with the help and council of Eurospray.

Even in the companies where there is big quantities of slimes of waste water and the solutions that have been similar proposals to the described previously.

Eurospray Has solved for his customers the supresión of dust that had in his factories.

In the companies that devote to select and prepare the urban waste, Eurospray has given solutions so that they can reduce the dust, delete the same dust and go in in the chemical cycle of complete systems: the elimination of the waste.

For the outside of several companies, gave several solutions to avoid the learning of dust during the step of the vehicles, with a consumption of water excessively low.