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Results of the project Centit-Deméter

Editorial Interempresas23/11/2012
For the design of experiences took into account the studies on climatic change in Spain published by the Ministry of Environingingment in base to a study realised by the University of Castile-La Mancha (Moreno 2005). The main changes that extract of the study and that have been able to ascertain the elaboradores are: the progressive tendency to the increase of the half temperatures along the century, especially in the months of summer and the tendency generalised to a lower precipitation accumulated annual.

The desfase between the maturity of the sugars and the one of polifenoles and aromas and the decrease of the acidity with the risks of microbiological stability that this comports, are some of the negative effects that it can originate the climatic change on the quality of the Spanish wines. The group of projects realised pretended to generate scientific and technological knowledges that allowed to the sector paliar these effects from an integral punto. For this reason, the project structured in 7 areas and knowledge: Transcriptómica, Viticulture, Yeasts, Bacteria, Analysis, Digs and Environingingment. Besides they looked for new technologies that supposed a technological jump for the sector. These new technologies have based mainly in studies of transcriptómica of the vineyard, studies of metabolómica of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and studies of molecular mechanisms of tolerance to the ethanol of Oenococcus oeni. All they have constituted a transversal project funded by all the partners of the consortium that has received the name of Line Troncal.

The most notable results of the project were presented by the leader of the Consortium Deméter, Mireia Torres, in the day of closure of the project the past 15 November 2012.

In the package of Transcriptómica, and inside the line troncal, the researchers have achieved to develop a new tool for the study of the genic expressesion in the vineyard, a 'Microarray' of the new generation of Nimblegen. They have arrived to study 800 genes associated to the process of maduration. In the study realised in conditions of invernadero, have studied two temperatures and two diets hídricos for the varieties Tempranillo, Albariño and Verdejo contrasting the results with the obtained in viñedos of the same varieties in zones of Mediterranean and atlantic climate-continental.

To level of genic expressesion, a half increase of the temperature of 3 °C causes answers of thermal sensors stress in the grapes and an increase in the expressesion of genes related with the synthesis of aromatic precursors of the group of the terpenos, what has corroborated by the results of the analyses of precursors. The increase of the temperature also causes a reduction in the expressesion of the genes that encode carriers of membrane, possibly associated to an increase in the fluidity of the membranes. The reduction in the expressesion of some carriers vacuolares of antocianos could be a cause of the reduction in the accumulation of pigments observed to temperatures higher. The stress hídrico causes an acceleration of the cycle, but does not modify to a large extent the process of maduration. However, the availability hídrica reduces the effects of the temperature in the genic expressesion. In the viñedo of the Mediterranean zone has been able to observe a greater synthesis of flavanoles (compound associated to a greater astringencia and that at the same time contribute to the copigmentación).


In the package of Viticulture has realised a very complete study directed to know the effect of different strategies of gestión of the viñedo in the adaptation to the climatic change. The results engloban the knowledges purchased in the essay of the line troncal, so much in the invernadero as in the viñedos and also the ones of the specific lines with essays in all the Spanish geography. The studies put of self-evident that the conditions of climatic change affect especially to the Mediterranean zone, where the irrigation has a big value like alleviation of the negative effects of the climatic change. In the application of the irrigation is important to take into account that the moment of application is important since depending of the moment of start can act on the vigour, the fertility, the composition of the berry or on the senescencia. Also in this package has worked in the viticulture of precision. By means of images multiespectrales and terrestrial sensors with the incorporation of data to a system SIG, some companies have been able to classify his viñedos in base to the vigour allowing improve the gestión of treatments against plagues, credited and allowing the classification of the vintage in origin. In the field of the illnesses of the vineyard, an appearance that also can see affected by the climatic change, has obtained a system of PCR Multiplex that allows the fast detection of 8 species of funguses of simultaneous form. Also it has of a payment of antagonistic bacteria of these funguses with positive results in vitro for the biological fight.


In the package of Yeasts and inside the line troncal has achieved develop a metabolic model based in states estacionarios independent that simulate different moments of the alcoholic fermentation. This model allows to study different appearances of the process of fermentation that can see altered with the climatic change. In the field of the nitrogenous nutrition have developed biochemical scoreboards and molecualres indicators of lacks of nitrogen during the alcoholic fermentation. On the other hand it has studied the nitrogenous nutrition during the phase estacionaria in function of the source of nitrogen used, arriving to develop a new product to enrich the mostos in base to the results of this study. The specific projects of the companies have allowed to select cepas of yeasts with interesting aptitudes like the lower production of ethanol or the superproducción of manoproteínas. It has requested a patent and exists another in study.


In the package of Bacteria the study of the line troncal has allowed to select cepas tolerantes to the ethanol and analyse the expressesion of the genes in comparison with a cepa of payment no tolerante. It has achieved determine some genes like scoreboards of the cepas tolerantes so much in conditions of laboratory as directly in wine. They have tuned methodologies to study the tolerance of the cepas in base to the profile of proteins and to the of the acids grasos of membrane. Also it studies the possibility to patent the cepas resistant to the ethanol selected. Already inside the specific lines have obtained interesting results in the selection of cepas of bacteria that contribute to the biological acidification. Also in the study of systems of conservation of inoculums of bacteria lácticas selected by his aptitudes of resistance to the ethanol and to low pH.


In the package of Analysis several companies of the consortium have worked different appearances of the phenolic maturity achieving deepen in the knowledge of the evolution of the fraction polifenólica along the maduration and in the development of a prototype for the measure of this parameter in cellar.

In this package have developed fast systems of measure like a PCR in real time for the measure of Brettanomyces, specific probes for bacteria lácticas and acetic with application in technology of fluorescent hybridisation in situ (FISH) that it can have applications in the bottled and electrochemical sensors for the measure in continuous of the processes fermentativos.

It digs

In the package of Dig have developed methodologies of analysis to improve the quality of the foam since all indicates that the new conditions of climatic change can have a negative influence on this so important parameter for this product. It has tuned a methodology of determination of polysaccharides by means of HPLC of exclusion and has developed a pattern for the calibrated of the Mosalux. To level enológico has seen the interest in relation to the quality of the foam of some technicians of manufacturing like the crianza on wrap and have selected some yeasts like the ones of greater interest for the development of the second fermentation. In relation to the maturity of the vintage has been able to ascertain that the acidity is a vital parameter of quality for the digs by what will have to opt by the advance of the vintage.


In the package of Environingingment have studied the technicians of biorreactores of membrane and membranes of ultrafiltración showing that allow to obtain waters with the suitable quality to be reutilizadas in the planned cases by the Spanish legislation (recarga of aquifers, towers of refrigeration and irrigation). The sector of the Catalan cork has realised a conjoint study in which they have analysed the cycle of life of two products, the cap of natural cork and the agglomerated cap. The study has allowed to identify the critical points of environingingmental pollution, mainly in the operations of boiled of the ironinging and of manufacture of the agglomerated cap, as well as the actions of improvement of the same.

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