José Mestre, S.A. - Cosmetic and perfume packaging

José Mestre D/F Cosmo

White pot of 50 - 500 ml: for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry

Picture of White pot of 50 - 500 ml
The pot Cosmo white, manufactured by José Mestre has a capacity of 50 - 500 ml.

The pot is composed of:

The interior by polipropileno Random RD360MO

The base of SAINT (Copolymer of acrilonitrilo-estireno) KOSTIL B 366 2050

The obturador of polietileno linear low density (LLDP)

covers It of SAINT (Copolymer of acrilonitrilo-estireno) KOSTIL B 366 2050

The compositions of these products fulfil with the norms established by the FDA and by the distinct European organisms on the use of plastic materials allocated to go in in contact with foods.

They are indicated to be used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry.

The containers have been manufactured attending the exigencias established by the Real Spanish Pharmacopoeia and so as to minimise the effects on particles, impurities and/or aesthetic defects, to be smart for his use.