Maconse - Bottle washers and rinsers

Washing machines for metal packaging: for various formats

Picture of Washing machines for metal packaging
Designed for washing cans in different formats, the wash system consisting of the application of hot water pressure with or without detergent.

The water circulates through the collector general and enters the primary collector, its mission is the apply the first wash and feed tanks, these levels the water level automatically so that there is cavitation in the pump and the pressure and water flow are kept constant. The chain is run when the water reaches the preset temperature. Packaging supply is continuous through chain that is exposed under the collector of showers, in this area follows the most dirt, and between the primary sump water and showers, waste is forced by dragging to the filters and oil contributing waste to water is removed from the tank by an overflow. After this phase the packages already contain less dirt and are subject to a 180-degree turn and another exhibition of new pressurized hot water water with impurities passes by the filter and the continuous recirculating filtered water and the oil is removed from the tank by overflow regulated by three valves placed at different heights.