Bautermic, S.A. - Parts cleaning machinery

Washing machinees desengrasadoras: for pieces that require the maximum quality of finishing

Picture of Washing machinees desengrasadoras
Bautermic, S.A. offers the machines to wash, degrease and clean in depth industrial pieces that require the maximum quality of finishing.%aLos Current controls of quality that demand in all the industries that manufacture, mechanise, treat or manipulate diverse pieces and that in his processes of work was necessary to have to effect a superficial treatment of very high quality, have caused the apparition of machines increasingly perfected that they have gone adapting to the fast developments habidos in all the fields of the engineering, the robotics, the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, the mechanics, the chemicals and until the it; to achieve that with the combination of these parameters can manufacture installations very versatile that allow to guarantee some conditions of cleaning and production with a constant quality.?áquinas Employ processes automated of wash and degrease aqueous by means of aspersión, with turbulences and recirculations directed on the pieces to clean, using when it is convenient ultrasounds of high performance, that together with zones of dried fast are able to guarantee wide productions, with some finishings of maximum quality for all type of pieces.