Bautermic, S.A. - Parts cleaning machinery

Bautermic LCB - LIH - LCR - LIC - LTC

Washing and degreasing with alkalized water systems: for all types of industrial parts

Picture of Washing and degreasing with alkalized water systems
These machines, according to the needs of each client, van equipped with pressurized sprinkler systems and immersion tanks which in some cases include ultrasonidos.a equipment on the surface of parts that have to be cleaned.

These machines, according to the needs of each client, van equipped with pressurized sprinkler systems and immersion tanks which in some cases include ultrasonic equipment.

In a first stage, dirt is dissolved chemically by the effect of saponification which causes the hot water, combined with the emulsion of a detergent that is projected to average or high pressure on parts that have to be cleaned.

While all the detached dirt is conveniently eliminated through filters and decantandores, the parts are rinsed automatically with clean water and, in some cases, with the addition of a component of protection. Finally, to complete the process of cleaning, parts are automatically through an area of drying with adjustable temperature, located at the end of each machine.

Models:-tunnels LCB.

-CSF cabins.

-Rotary LIH.

-Cubas Lic.

-LTC drums.