Thermo Fisher Scientific, S.L. - Spectrophotometers

Vis - spectrophotometer 6.300

Visible Spectrophotometers: uV and visible

Picture of Visible Spectrophotometers
-Visible spectrophotometer and UV / visible - band width 8 nm-Gran LCD screen scanning spectral - RS 232 port and exit 0 - 1.9 V - Precision + / - 2.0 nm - interface RS 232 - output to the recorder 0 - 1999 mV - beam height Z 15 mm - length x depth x height 36 x 27 x 16 cm - weight 6 kg - spectral range 320 to 1,000 nm - photometric range 0 to 199% T - 0.3 to 1,999 A - band width 8 nm - concentration - 300 to 1999 - Stray light< 0,5 % T

- Precisión fotométrica + / 1 % T

- Estabilidad 1 % T / h

- Alimentación 115 / 230 V - 50 Hz 0,5="" %="" t="" -="" precisión="" fotométrica="" +="" 1="" %="" t="" -="" estabilidad="" 1="" %="" t="" h="" -="" alimentación="" 115="" 230="" v="" -="" 50="">
- Precisión fotométrica + / 1 % T

- Estabilidad 1 % T / h

- Alimentación 115 / 230 V - 50 Hz>