Pierre Guerin Ibérica, S.A.U. - Dairy centrifuges, shakers and filters

Lissalim LM

Unit of straightening of low pressure: for viscous products such as cheese, fruit purées, cream, dessert, sauces, etc

Picture of Unit of straightening of low pressure
Pierre Guérin has developed the unit for smoothing of low-pressure Lissalim LM can be used for various food processing applications. Mostly viscous products com cheeses, fruit purées, cream, dessert, sauces, etc.

The product semipastoso or liquid is transported by a lobulated volumetric pump, that is the texture of the product. It will smooth passing through a head made up of labyrinths and cavities that form tetrahedral cells. The product is subjected to successive actions of cavitation, turbulence and laminate. The cells are materially by threading a bolt screwed after a block special.