John Crane Ibérica, S.A. - Mechanic sealings

T-93FR - T-93HL

Tertiary enclosures: low necessary pressesures to do work the closing

Picture of Tertiary enclosures
John Crane pertaining multinational to Smiths Group PLC,manufacturer world-wide leader in the design and production of systems of sealed of engineering, has designed and launched to the market two models of tertiary enclosures that come to complete the range of enclosures of the company: T93FR and T93HL.

The models are enclosures of the types “clearance” and lift off” that jointly with the models T-82 and T-83 will cater a complete solution for all type of applications.

The model T93FR of John Crane has obtained a process of homologation with different OEM and different final users such as GE, BEL, Shell Global Solutions and Statoil, amongst other, that has allowed the use of the product in very different processes from his launching.

The T93FR consists in a closing of separation of the type “clearance” or of constant tolerance, formed by 2 concentric coals joined in an only group that allows the setting and desmontaje in the compressesor independently of the main closing.

Between the main characteristic of this team stand out the low necessary pressesures to do work the closing (0.2 barg); the high peripheral speeds that they are able to bear (>150m/s), the big capacity of absorption of radial travel, axial and vibrations as well as his operation optimised with flowed such like air or Nitrogens very dry (<-60C).

But, without place to doubts, the most stood out characteristic that converts to this component in an only model in comparison with other competitors of the market is that the segments that conform the faces have obtained by means of simple fracture of the original complete face, in place to be mechanised, with what the lace is only avoiding also problems because of bad superficial finishings.

The pieces keep perfectly joined at all times allowing that the operations of manipulation and dimensional measure effect easily. On the other hand, this perfect union keeps constant the tolerance of the ring around the axis of the compressesor with what do not exist risks of contact.

By his part the model T93HL, of the type “lift off”, has a design balanced whose main characteristic is that in static conditions comports like a closing of contact to the style of the generation T82 and T83, but when applying him a minimum of rotation elevates creating a separation and comporting then like the model T93FR.