Neurtek, S.L. - Analytical instruments for laboratories


Tensiómetro Of bubble: small and portable

Picture of Tensiómetro Of bubble
Dynotester Is a tensiómetro of pressesure of portable bubble. It treats of an easy device to use, small, portable and durable that allows the measurement of the superficial tension in continuous with big precision and repetibilidad, being able to transfer all the data to a computer for his visualisation and treatment.

It measures the superficial tension of the liquids in base to the method of the maximum pressesure of bubble. The control of the superficial tension allows to optimise productive processes so much economically as guaranteeing the quality of the final product obtained. Likewise it allows to minimise the environingingmental impact when adjusting the length of the productive process.

Some of his main applications find in the industry galvanoplástica and superficial treatment (for the cleaning of metals, galvanic processes, manufacture of disks, industry of integrated cheese cheese circuits and optical elements); the control of quality and process in the production of cleansing agents, lubricantes, abrasive, paintings, dyes, additives, textile; and in chemical laboratories of industries of agents tensoactivos, chemical coloidal, petrochemical industry.