Russell Finex Ltd. - Sieving machines

Russell Compact Airlock Sieve

Tamizadoras Of hygiene: it deletes of precise way the pollution by particles of big size

Picture of Tamizadoras Of hygiene
The tamizadora Compact Airlock Sieve deletes of precise way the pollution by particles of big size, improving like this the quality of the product and protecting his reputation. The design GMP of the tamizadora bases in surfaces pulidas, doing that the saneamiento and cleaning was simpler and improving the performance.

This tamizadora can provide substantial improvements regarding the containment of the product thanks to his system of pneumatics closing TLI (Twist, Lock and Inflate, twist, blockade and inflado in Spanish). This reduces the escapes of dust and improving like this the health and hygiene of his operarios. Thanks to this system of innovative closing, the tamizadora Airlock achieved levels of exhibition OEL inferior to 1µg/m3 in independent proofs (SMEPAC).

This team results ideal to realise a tamizado of hygiene of his raw materials in the primary part until the products in dust finished in the secondary part of his installations of production.