Kodiser, S.C. - Other machine tool accessories


Taladrado thermal sensors sensors: it serves of the friction

Picture of Taladrado thermal sensors sensors
The taladrado thermal sensors Formdrill of Kodiser is a process that serves of the friction to produce casquillos in metallic tubes or flat plates. This system uses the same material of the piece to do a casquillo increasing the length of the threaded in 2 or 3 times. Instead of cutting the material and throw it like waste with this technician uses to realise a strong connection.

It treats of a combination of two operations: taladrado thermal sensors and threaded.

The combination of the rotation and the axial strength of a special tool Formdrill attains to produce heat by means of friction. The temperature can reach 900° in the piece and 700° in the useful. The heat softens the piece and allows to the useful create a casquillo with the material displaced. This casquillo is thrice of long the thickness of the sheet.

The system can use in the majority of the ferrous metals and no ferrous including steel, inox, copper, bronze and aluminium with thickness of until 12 mm. In general, all the malleable materials can taladrarse térmicamente. The useful standard are available for hecer holes until 25,4 mm or 1 inch of diameter.

Besides, it does not require of a special equipment, with a taladro, fresadora or centre of mechanised is sufficient. Formdrill Is ideal for automation since it treats of a simple process, produces holes very done and has of a big length. Also it is appropriate for short series or prototypes because it is of handle simple.

Like advantages Formdrill offers unions stronger and safe without need of special machines. Neither they do not use external elements and is a system that requires little investment.