Sistemas y Tecnologías Ambientales, S.A. - Other fluids treatment systems

Systems of catalytic oxidation: with usual temperature of operation from among 250 to 400 °

Picture of Systems of catalytic oxidation
The catalytic oxidation is a similar destructive process to the thermal sensors oxidation but takes place to lower temperature because of the presence of a catalyst. The usual temperature of operation is from among 250 to 400 °C. Like this then , the systems of catalytic oxidation have a lower energetic consumption that the ones of thermal sensors oxidation since the reaction of oxidation realises to lower temperature; therefore, it exists a lower risk of learning of undesirable by-products of oxidation (like CO, NOx and dioxins). In contrapartida, the catalysts over time go losing his efficiency and have to be replaced each 2-5 years, what supposes a cost of gestión of the catalyst exhausted like residue and besides a cost of acquisition of the new catalyst. The efficiency of purification of the catalytic systems is used to to be upper to 98% of destruction of the COT. It fits to signal that at present this technology shares technical command of application with the systems of thermal sensors oxidation regenerativa.