Sumalla, S.L. (División Textil) - Spectrophotometers

CE 7000 A

Spectrophotometer of laboratory

Picture of Spectrophotometer of laboratory
The mark Gretagmacbeth, represented by the signature Sumalla S.L., it includes between his products a spectrophotometer of laboratory of double do, the model CE 7000 To. It treats of a spectrophotometer of compact table, whose optical design of double do guarantees a concordance between instruments. His big precision and repetibilidad turn it into the best tool for the analysis of delicate colours, of opaque measures, translucent or transparent of solids or liquids, by reflection or transmission. The CE 7000 To possesses two spectral analysers that measure the sample and the internal reference in an only exhibition. This advanced design ensures a big stability on a long-term basis and provides readings faster. His exclusive tactile screen allows, in addition to visualising the state of the instrument, configure it with ease. The door, with support type presses of placing of samples, is situated in the frontal signpost what facilitates the operative of work. Door and support can be knocked down for the comprobación of the correct presentation and placing of the sample. It incorporates an integrated cheese cheese sphere of 152 mm of diameter that provides a perfect diffuse lighting, adapted to take precise measures, independently of the superficial and structural conditions of the sample. The spectrophotometer of laboratory of double do CE 7000 To is valid even for samples texturadas.