Bectel Ingenieros, S.L. - Engineers - processing plants

Specific solutions for the industry farmaceutica: and biotechnology

Picture of Specific solutions for the industry farmaceutica
Bectel Has developed and follows developing specific solutions for the Pharmaceutical industry and of Biotechnology. Our engineers and proyectistas have wide experience in the application of the norms of qualification according to FDA: GMP / GLP / GEP and CFR21 part. 11 for validation and control of the documentation of the projects, and in the application of the technologies and Know-How of our customers.

Our technical culture and experience allow us ensure that his processes and procedures will be stable, consolidated and validated. Projects of new installations or revampings for areas of production and of services eat:


•Ring of water Purificada

•clean Rooms and white rooms

•System of control and register (overpressesure, HR%, counter of particles, etc.)

•Finished (separation and dried)