Pierre Guerin Ibérica, S.A.U. - Engineers - processing plants

Solutions for biotechnology: for the production of vaccines, therapeutic proteins, antibodies, monoclonal, ingredients, enzymes and biomass, etc

Picture of Solutions for biotechnology
Pierre Guérin - Biolafitte offers innovative and appropriate solutions for their processes of fermentation and cell culture, in a constant search for excellence in the quality of products, reliability and robustness and in service to the customer.

and present a complete range of products and solutions extrapolated from r & d to production:-microbial fermentors and cell culture bioreactors Autoclavable (1 to 18 l useful), Sterilizable in situ (10 to 40.000 l useful) and single-use (20 to 1,000 l useful) - deposits of preparation and storage of media, additives and buffers, pick-up and innactivacion - CIP plants - integration of separation and concentration units - control systems / command