Swag, S.L. - Food industry software

Software for the trazabilidad alimentary: for the trazabilidad alimentary

Picture of Software for the trazabilidad alimentary
The trazabilidad bases in the detection of all type of ingredients and possible contaminantes present in foods.

The trazabilidad is compulsory by legal reasons and by commercial reasons, since our customers will demand that we guarantee this trazabilidad.

In case to produce some alimentary alert, offers the possibility to be able to know the origin and the circuit of the products by means of a system of trazabilidad allows to increase the capacity to determine with precision the field of potential action of the problem, facilitate the recovery and withdrawal of the games affected, establish responsibilities in front of any incident between the consumers, and finally reduce the negative economic impact on the members of the commercial chain.

The trazabilidad is a chain that begins in the primary producer and that finishes in the final producer. This chain serves to explain which products incorporate to a food in any part of the process, and serves to define the responsibilities of all those that take part.

Each link of this chain is formed by three parts:

The data that incorporates our provider

His internal data of process

The data of the customer

All the data of this chain have to be coherent between himself so that the trazabilidad was real and can study and recover.

The current legislation does not say which data it is necessary to save neither during what time do it, because the regulatory authorities still do not have clear a lot of appearances, and expect that the market, that is the true expert, define it.