Maquinaria para Bodegas, S.L. (MPB) - Other equipment for grape processing

MPB 10/15/25/50

Separadores Of raspón: with/without crusher

Picture of Separadores Of raspón
The separadores of raspón MPB are built entirely in stainless steel and have been studied for the most perfect mechanical operation, respecting entirely the principles enológicos fundamental and adapting to the different types and qualities of grape.

They have a low diet of revolutions not to damage the raspón, turning the drum (selection) in contrary sense to the axis despalillador. Likewise the holes of the selection are abocardados to the outside with the spirit of not damaging or break the raspón.

The axis despalillador is macizo and on him go threaded the fingers (palettes) easily orientables and that allow a fast evacuation of the raspón or a greater retention according to the type of grape with which was working .

Said axis despalillador goes supported on two threads in tip that give him a long life to the machine. The separador levies incorporated a system of grease centralised.

MPB Manufactures different models of separadores of raspón of different measures and that have several powers. The power of the engine separador miscellaneous of 3 to 10 Cv. The power of the engine of the crusher oscillates between 1 and 5,5 Cv depending of the model and the power of the engine of the separador with crusher goes of 4 to 15 CV.