Bearing Transmission Service, S.L. (BTS) - Flat seals


Segments laminares: for estanqueidad and retention

Picture of Segments laminares
The estanqueidad and the retention in the world of the industry always have been tasks problemáticsa and difficult to solve. In occasions the high temperatures, the chemical attacks and the high revolutions can hamper gravely the function of the sealed. To solve these types of problems, BTS commercialises the segments laminares Fey like the element of estanqueidad and retention with better results in the most extreme conditions.

The signature has special segments for applications in siderurgy (colada continuous), cabezales of machine-tool, "bogie" of railway industry, tight wheels and tubes of leakage.

BTS Has a technician-commercial with big experience in the segments laminares Fey, that together with to the technical department of Germany, offers his services to give answer to his needs and can propose concrete solutions for each application.