Labortech Waldner, S.L. - Engineers - processing plants

Regulation of environingingmental air: complete systems

Picture of Regulation of environingingmental air
From the current economic punto, the installation of his laboratory and of the system of aireación and desaireación of the complete building of laboratories no longer can follow considering separately. The intelligent regulation of the environingingmental air of laboratory of Waldner reduces considerably the costs of service of the installation of ventilation, guaranteeing at the same time the maximum hygiene during the work.

The factor profitability speaks clearly in favour of our regulation of the environingingmental air of laboratory: The investment in this system of regulation of the environingingmental air of laboratory amortises after having passed so only between one and two years, thanks to the aprovechamiento efficient of the installation of ventilation combined with a consumption reduced of power. What constitutes an important advantage when considering the progressively increasing prices of the power.